Physical therapists are highly trained medical professionals that specialize in treating injuries and illnesses that limit a person’s functional mobility. Physical therapists receive extensive education that allows them to evaluate, diagnose, and develop treatment plans that help to restore functional mobility and return patients to pain-free active lifestyles. A physical therapist is a movement specialist, educated in analyzing mobility issues with walking, running, jumping, bending, stretching, and almost every other form of physical activity. Curran PT’s physical therapists can pinpoint problem areas and create a customized treatment plan aimed at improving those areas. Through in-office sessions and at-home exercises, patients strengthen their muscles and joints, improve their balance, build endurance, and experience pain relief, all without the unwanted harmful risks of drugs or surgery.
In general, physical therapy is the most conservative treatment a patient can receive when experiencing pain or difficulty with movement. Most commonly it consists of three important phases: pain relief, strengthening, and functional integration. Pain relief is obtained through skilled manual therapy aimed at reducing restrictions in the body’s fascial system caused by injury, surgery, or poor posture. Strength and mobility training is used to improve the body’s ability to move and stabilize improving safety and tolerance with normal daily movement or more dynamic exercise-related activities. Functional integration utilizes improvements made in strength, mobility, and body mechanics allowing patients to restore function and return to all activities pain-free.